Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Features of a group

A single hand always lacks lot. But when join so many hands together my demerit becomes merit to another. We fill our demerits and nourish with merits and make the team attractive. A group is a collection of two or more than two people gathered together to achieve a particular goal. The features of a group are discussed under.

A collection of two or more people is a group. A single person cannot be called as a group. When there are two or more people stays together to share their opinions or make something, it becomes a group. We may find lot of groups everywhere in any society as the people may gather together with people who have similar taste and interests. A group gets a collective name. When a group is formed it will get its name. This name may come from the individual’s in the group. Each of the members is called in the name of the group. Also they show similar behavior. A study group X man is an example of collective name where a group of people gather for studying or preparing for exam.

When two or more people come together, there will be a goal to be achieved. It may be studies and researches, shopping, entertainment etc. To achieve a goal with two hands is difficult. When it comes together it finds more comfortable. Also there will be continuous discussion among the team members. IF a group is formed for shopping purpose, the individuals will talk about the products and services. There will be consumers of that product and prospects. The consumers can convince the other guys the features. Also others can question him about the product.

There should be a reason behind everything to form a group. Without which no group is formed. They are:

The first reason is the achievement of goal. When people hold hands together the goals will be achieved fast. People gathered for a project work where each individual has a goal to be achieved. He finds his tasks and asks for the further improvement to his colleagues. Also most of the find relaxed when they are in a group. They break jokes and find secured among the people. The informal gathering of any organization is mainly focused on relaxing and escaping from the work environment. When there is tight schedule of works and frustrations, this helps from such things.

We are living a world with lots of threats. When we are in a group even though we have problems we can face it. If there is an employment threat arises in an organization people can protest against it standing in a group. Mainly the labor unions are formed out of this need. People can protest against their justice. People find power through groups too. Certain groups in an organization may holds power, this can be shared when one individual join in it. A group in an organization people has strong relationship with top level management tends to be the strong. They can influence the decisions in the organization. This may result people to join in it. People always find status in joining a group. Certain clubs such as Lions club, Y's men club, Rotary etc. brings status to people. The status level is shared with the people in a group. The different clubs gained such status with such people in it.

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